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Artist in Residence Program


Jan. / Feb. : Buttler Gallery, Cedar Hill/Texas
March/April: Vera Griswold Gallery, Midland/Michigan
April / May: Jeanette Hare Art Gallery, West Palm Beach/Florida

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The Artists-in-Residence program is sponsored by the Cultural Arts initiative, a unique program that impacts Northwood students through the arts. Funded by the Northwood University Arts Endowment, initially set up by the late Dr. Arthur E. Turner (co-founder of the university), the Artists-in-Residence program brings world class talent directly to Northwood students. Through a variety of classroom lectures, community outreach opportunities, and on-campus performances and presentation, the students get a first-hand look at performers who have made art their business.
Some of Northwood University's visiting artists include the Ahn Trio, Time for Three, Richard Night, Don Irwin, Bob Bralove and Tom Constantin, The Preservation Hall Jazz Band, Naturally Seven, and Corky Siegel and the Chamber Blues.
Dr.Grover B. Proctor, (Jr. Executive Director of National Arts Programm)