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She snuggled up to her mummy
and whispered quite expectantly:
„Can you tell me a story today
with these five words?
Tree, witch, children, cave, bear.
And it should be funny.“
Mother caresses her daughter‘s head tenderly.
„Well, my darling,
let‘s see, which history
we'll find by your words‘ magic“

Once upon a time there was a little girl ...

(Marion Albrecht)


The little prince

Dear Antoine,
I do not know whether the sheep
really ate the rose
or whether she still feels fine.
Whether her four claws
really sufficed to defend herself.
Maybe even her pride and her fragance
did soften the sheep's heart,
even made it glow.


switch on

sweet as honey


„They are one person
they are two alone
they are three together
they are four for each other, ..."

(Stephen Stills)

The Guardian


Angel of Cajamarca

Angel of Cajamarca

Who will heal you, Angel of Cajamarca?
Mountainwings, silent kiss of the lakes,
unveiled face of our roots.
Sweat and tear of unreachable words

Exhausted angel in the shimmering light of dawn
You dazedly open your veil of silence

The earth groans
and the bitter ashes of infamy
creeps into our veins.

(Marion Albrecht)


Medicine Man

The Condor's last flight